New years resolution: eat more cake!

One pilates class, a 5k run, 10 lengths of the pool, a hike, circuits, squats, and 200 crunches…. Phew, now I need cake.

I’m kicking back with a cuppa and the last of my delicious gluten free mince tarts. Traditionally we all welcome in the new year with the resolution of more exercise and less cake. But as I’m gluten free I think of cake as a major food group and seek out GF wherever I go.

Most of the time GF cakes in cafes are pretty tasteless, or even non existent, and it makes me enormously irritated that I miss out on a taste sensation.

Last summer we discovered The Monkey Poodle at Battersea Food Festival in London – a name you won’t forget easily.

This cake baking duo make GREAT cakes entirely gluten free. Good, old fashion baking, deliciously different, displayed on vintage cake stands at food fairs and markets. The girls complete the experience by wearing gorgeous 1950s style tea dresses with pretty kitsch aprons. It just gets better and better.

In the summer I ate scrummy courgette and vanilla sponge, while this Christmas I placed a ridiculously large order for one. My order consisted of fruit and spice pudding which I steamed myself, mince tarts, chocolate orange cup cakes….and a mini fondant iced Christmas cake decorated with candied orange. I know, I know! Eyes too big for belly.

My theory is as long as I keep exercising I can enjoy gluten free goodies exclusively from The Monkey Poodle. Yes?

Okay, I’ve finished the last mince tart for the year and my cuppa. Hmmm, I feel the need to order a cake from the girls for an afternoon tea I’m arranging at the end of the month. Then there’s Valentines day, a birthday or two, a naming ceremony, then any excuse really.

Follow the girls on Facebook and Twitter to find out their market dates and seasonal treats. You will be able to visit the girls, sample GF goodies, and place your order in time for Valentine’s Day at the farmer’s market, The Forge in Camden on Saturday 4th February here in London.


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